
Master’s Degree: It is held in three steps, all eliminatory and classificatory, namely: First step: written test of general knowledge in the PPGACT area; Second step: analysis of “Lattes Curriculum”; and Third step: oral examination about topics related to the written test and discussion of the candidate’s previous experience in research, based on the Lattes curriculum. The final grade will be given by the simple arithmetic average of the scores of the first, second and third stages of the selection process. To pass the candidate must obtain an average equal to or greater than 60 points in 100.

Doctorate: The selection of candidates consists of two eliminatory and classificatory assessments: (a) Lattes Curriculum analysis (weight 1) and (b) presentation of the proposed research project followed by oral examination by the Selection Committee (weight 2). All candidates will participate in the two assessments. Each of the assessments will be assigned a score from 0 to 100, and the minimum passing grade is 70% in each one.

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